UP Police Constable Vacancy 2022 Notification, Application Form

With the Indian economy opening up after the pandemic, vacancies are being advertised in different government offices. UP Police Constable Vacancy 2022 is one such drive that has been initiated by the UP Police department this year. Here we provide information about the number of vacancies available, the eligibility criteria for the different posts, and the selection process. Important dates and other details of the recruitment drive are essential information that potential candidates can use to proceed with their applications.

Vacancies Announced – UP Police Constable Vacancy 2022

Vacancies in different posts were first announced by the Uttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board.  These include several posts in police as well as in the state fire department. There are a total of 26382 vacancies identified for this year. A tender for the same was passed at the beginning of the year, 27th January 2022. Official notification of the same was put up on the official site: https://uppbpb.gov.in.

Details of the vacancies are as follows:

Recruitment BoardUttar Pradesh Police Recruitment and Promotion Board
Posts AvailableConstable: 26210 Fireman: 172
Total Vacancies26382
CategoryState government
Application ModeOnline
Selection ProcessWritten examinationPhysical standard exam and document verificationPhysical efficiency examination
Salary RangeRs. 30,000 – Rs. 40,000
Official Site for Applicationhttp://uppbpb.gov.in/

The vacancies declared include positions for male and female constables in the police force. The posts available in the fire department are mainly for male candidates.

Notification – Up Police Constable Vacancy 2022

The recruitment board invited quotations from different companies and agencies for handling the recruitment of these vacancies. These are companies or agencies that conduct recruitment activities for State PCS and UPSC or other central and state government departments. The agencies were determined after the bid was opened and closed on 27th January 2022. Once this was completed UPPRPB issued an official notification of the same on the official domain of the UP Police recruitment page.

UP Police Constable Vacancy 2022

Important Dates – UP Police Constable Vacancy 2022

The tender for recruitment was put up by the recruitment board on 27th January 2022. After that, the recruitment process began with notification and other details being put up on the official site.

Recruitment Tender Notice PDF

Notice issued for recruitment27th January 2022
Name of postMale and female constable
Start date for the application formTo be announced
Last date for the application formTo be announced
Last date for fee submissionTo be announced
Exam dateTo be announced
Official site for detailshttp://uppbpb.gov.in/

Application Process – UP Police Constable Vacancy 2022

The online application window remained open as per the dates mentioned above. Though there is an offline application window as well, the recruitment process is becoming increasingly online for most government departments in India. The online application process starts with registration. Once all documents are uploaded as per the instructions given then candidates need to complete the process by paying the registration fee.

The steps to apply and complete online registration for the UP Police Constable Vacancy 2022 drive are the following:

  • Log onto the official website of the UP police recruitment board at http://uppbpb.gov.in/.
  • Find the link on the home page inviting candidates to apply for 26210 vacancies available in Reserve Civil Police as well as 172 posts in the fire department by direct recruitment.
  • Upon clicking this link a page appears with details of the application form.
  • Once all necessary fields are entered candidates are required to upload the necessary documents.
  • After the application form is filled candidates can then pay the fee for registration.
  • The payment options are also online such as through credit or debit cards as well as through net banking.
  • Candidates can then take printouts and save their online application form in paper format as well; it is only for reference.

The application fee is Rs 400 which applicants can pay online. This fee is exempted for candidates belonging to SC/ST category.

Eligibility Criteria

Those who apply for the police constable post need to be aware of the eligibility criteria for such posts. This includes certain educational qualification equipment as well as age limit. Candidates need to have passed 12th class or intermediate level from any recognized board or institution recognized by the government.

Age limit criteria are the following:

CategoryAge RangeExemption If Any
General (male)18 to 23N/A
General (female)18 to 26N/A
OBC/ST/SC (male)18 to 285 yrs
OBC/ST/SC (female)18 to 315 years

Selection Process for Police Constables in UP

There are three distinct stages in recruiting for the post of constable (men or women):

  • Written exam to be given online.
  • Those who qualify in the online exam are then asked to appear for the physical efficiency test.
  • The last stage of the selection process includes a physical measurement test and document verification.

The written exam is objective-based questions with four different papers. There are 150 questions in total. Each question carries a weightage of 2 marks each with a negative marking of 0.25 for every incorrect answer. After that, there is the physical measurement test where candidates need to meet the minimum chest measurement criteria. Those who pass the online exam successfully are asked to take the physical efficiency test. Here their time limits are checked in a competitive race.


How Many Vacancies Have Been Announced in UP Police Recruitment Drive This Year?

A total of 26210 vacancies are available for male and female constables; there are 172 posts open for firemen as well.

What Is the Eligibility Criterion for UP Police Constable Vacancy 2022?

Candidates need to have passed class 12 and should be of 18 years of age at least to apply.

What Is the Selection Process for UP Police Constable Vacancy 2022?

The selection process includes an online written exam after which documents are verified and a physical measurement test is done. Successful candidates are then asked to take part in a physical efficiency test.

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