CTET 2022 Syllabus: Paper 1 and 2

The National Association of Teaching Authority has released the official notification for the CTET exam. The exam is conducted twice each year. It is important to be well informed about the exam, the updates, and the changes in the syllabus as well. As the CTET 2022 Syllabus is out. This article will guide you about the syllabus of the CTET, and its exam structure. 

The Central Teachers Eligibility Test will be conducted in the month of December.

CTET 2022 Syllabus: Paper 1 and 2

The exam consists of two papers: Paper 1 and Paper 2.  While the former is for teachers willing to teach classes from 1st to 5th, the latter is primarily for teachers who want to teach higher classes from 6th to 8th. 

The candidates can opt to give both papers or either of them. 

The CTET 2022 Syllabus of the paper is as follows:


Child Development and Pedagogy:

        1) Development of primary school child (15 marks)

        2) Concept of inclusive education and understanding children with special needs (5 marks)

        3) Learning and Pedagogy(10 marks)

Language 1 & 2

  1. Language comprehension, Reading Skills (one prose and one paragraph) (15 marks)
  2. Pedagogy of Language Development (15 marks)


  1. Number, Solving simple equations, Algebra, Geometrical patterns, Time Measurement, Data Handling, Solids, Data Handling, etc (15 marks)
  2. Pedagogical issues (15 marks)

Environmental Studies

  1. Content: Environment, Food and shelter, water, family and friends, etc (15 marks)
  2. Pedagogical issues (15 marks)


Child Development and Pedagogy

  1. Development of an Elementary School Child (15 marks)
  2. Concept of Inclusive education and understanding children with special needs (5 marks)
  3. Learning and Pedagogy (10 marks)

Language 1 and 2 

  1. Language Comprehension (15 marks)
  2. Pedagogy of Language Development   (15 marks)


  1. Mathematics Number system, Algebra, Geometry, Mensuration, Data Handling Pedagogical issues (20 marks)


  1. Pedagogical issues (10 marks)
  2. Science Food, Materials, The world of the living, Moving things, people and ideas, How things work, Natural phenomena and resources (20 marks)

Social Studies

  1. History, Geography, Social and Political Life  (40 marks)
  2. Pedagogical issues (20 marks)

Usually, the changes in CTET’s syllabus are not quite frequent. However, CBSE’s latest update suggests that there would be a few changes in 2022. Hence, the candidates must check their syllabus online.

You can check the syllabus at the official website of CTET as well. https://ctet.nic.in/

Are you worried about the standard of questions asked in the exam?

Don’t worry! Just scroll down!

CTET 2022 Syllabus

CBSE 2022 Exam Pattern

The exam is conducted in online mode. Each paper is of 150 marks. While the students secure 1 mark for every correct answer, there is no negative marking for the ones answered wrongly.

While the official notification is yet to be released by the Central Board of Secondary Education, the exam pattern is usually the same.

The exam pattern that will be followed is given below:

The exam is conducted in 20 languages., Candidates can opt for the language they are comfortable and proficient in as it cannot be changed later.

Paper 1 contains 5 sections: Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I & II, Mathematics, and Environmental Science.

 Paper 2 contains 4 sections: Child Development and Pedagogy, Language I & II, Mathematics/Science or Social Studies.

Candidates can choose between Maths/ Science and Social Science

The section of Language 1 is to test the general ability of the examinee to comprehend the language and asses their proficiency level.

The section consisting of the Language 2 part, basically judges their ability on a relatively deeper level. 

The third section consists of subjects related to child development and pedagogy. It tests your skills and comprehensive abilities on topics centered around the development of children, its relationship with learning, how it is affected by heredity and their environment, etc. 

The duration of the paper is 2.5 hours.

How to prepare for CTET 2022?

  1. Use the NCERT Books for your preparation for both Papers 1 and 2. 
  2. While the candidates can prepare from books of classes 1st to 5th for Paper 1, they can use NCERT Books from classes 6th to 8th for preparation of Paper 2.
  3. Candidates must solve the past year’s papers for the exam to assess their strengths and weaknesses.
  4. Revise the subjects regularly, especially Maths.
  5. The candidate should take into account that the paper will be MCQ (Multiple choice question) based and, prepare accordingly.

Important links

CTET 2022 NotificationCTET 2022 Notification
Official websitehttps://ctet.nic.in/


Is CTET Paper 1 and 2 the same?

No, both exams do not have the same syllabus. Both papers 1 and 2 vary in difficulty level. While the former deals with classes from 1 to 5, the latter deals with classes 6 to 8

How can I prepare well for the exam?

First, know the syllabus well. 
Second, Prepare the NCERT and other important books for the syllabus.
Third, Know  the pattern of questions by solving as many question papers as you can
Fourth, Be regular and consistent with the syllabus
Fifth, Make sure you are conceptually strong

Can I clear CTET in my first attempt?

Yes, with regular and consistent hard work, CTET can be cracked in the very first attempt of a candidate

What is the validity of CTET score?

The validity of the CTET score has been extended by the Ministry Of Education from 7 years to lifetime.

What is the CTET exam?

You can know all about the exam through our blog CTET 2022 Notification

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