Verb Voice – English Grammar

Verb voice indicates the relationship between the subject and the action of the verb in a sentence. There are two main voices: active voice and passive voice.

  1. Active Voice:
    • In active voice sentences, the subject performs the action expressed by the verb.
    • Example: “The team completed the project ahead of schedule.”
    • Example: “She wrote the report yesterday.”
    • Example: “The company launched a new product last month.”
    • Example: “He teaches English at the university.”
    • Example: “They organized the event successfully.”
  2. Passive Voice:
    • In passive voice sentences, the subject receives the action expressed by the verb.
    • Example: “The project was completed ahead of schedule by the team.”
    • Example: “The report was written yesterday by her.”
    • Example: “A new product was launched last month by the company.”
    • Example: “English is taught at the university by him.”
    • Example: “The event was organized successfully by them.”

Active Voice Examples:

  1. She bought a new car yesterday.
  2. The company launched its new website last week.
  3. He built a house for his family.
  4. They developed a new software application.
  5. The chef prepared a delicious meal for the guests.
  6. We planted flowers in the garden.
  7. The teacher explained the lesson to the students.
  8. The team won the championship trophy.
  9. He wrote a book about his travels.
  10. She designed the logo for the company.

Passive Voice Examples:

  1. A new car was bought by her yesterday.
  2. The new website was launched by the company last week.
  3. A house was built for his family by him.
  4. A new software application was developed by them.
  5. A delicious meal was prepared for the guests by the chef.
  6. Flowers were planted in the garden by us.
  7. The lesson was explained to the students by the teacher.
  8. The championship trophy was won by the team.
  9. A book was written about his travels by him.
  10. The logo for the company was designed by her.

Active Voice vs. Passive Voice

FeatureActive VoicePassive Voice
DescriptionIn active voice, the subject performs the action.In passive voice, the subject receives the action.
StructureSubject + Verb + ObjectObject + Verb (to be) + Past Participle + (by + Agent)
ExampleThe cat (subject) chased (verb) the mouse (object).The mouse (subject) was chased (verb) by the cat (agent).
ExampleShe (subject) wrote (verb) a novel (object).A novel (object) was written (verb) by her (agent).
ExampleThey (subject) built (verb) a new house (object).A new house (object) was built (verb) by them (agent).
UsageActive voice is direct and straightforward.Passive voice is used when the doer of the action is unknown, less important, or to shift focus.
ExampleThe chef (subject) prepared (verb) the meal (object).The meal (subject) was prepared (verb) by the chef (agent).
ExampleHe (subject) solved (verb) the puzzle (object).The puzzle (subject) was solved (verb) by him (agent).

Understanding and appropriately using verb voice is crucial for clear and effective communication in writing and speaking.

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