Make Your Mark: Participate in the UPU 2024 International Letter Writing Contest

Since 1971, the UPU has been encouraging kids aged 9 to 15 to write letters about a specific topic to win cool prizes. This competition helps kids understand how important mail services are in our communities. It also helps them get better at writing and expressing themselves clearly. Plus, it makes writing letters fun and helps create friendships across the world. Every year, the UPU picks a new topic and lets everyone know about it. Then, different countries hold their own competitions with the help of their postal service, schools, and the media.

The theme chosen for the competition wants young people to share their ideas about big problems in the world today and come up with new solutions. This fits with the United Nations’ goal to bring different generations together and make sure the planet is still good to live on in the future. The theme lets young people use the ideas from the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to think about how to make the world a better place.

A group of judges from the International Bureau will read the letters and pick the winners. If you want to join the competition, make sure to ask your country’s postal service for details.

Read more Checkout the Official announcement


The purpose of this competition is to increase young people’s appreciation for the art of letter writing. Their composition skills will be developed, and their creative expression and research capabilities will be broadened. The winning national submission will be entered into the 53rd International Letter-Writing Competition for young people. It will be judged by an international jury put together by the International Bureau of the UPU in Berne, Switzerland.


Prizes will be provided by the BPS for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd placed winners, while additional prizes are being sought from the private sector and other organizations.

Competition Format:

The competition format is as follows:

  • Age Group: Participants aged from 9 to 15 years can join the competition.
  • Judging: A member(s) of the education fraternity judges local entries.
  • Content: Compositions submitted must be original and take the form of a typed letter of not more than 800 words. Illustrations from the candidate may be included.

Postal Service.

Your support and your school’s participation in this educational exercise are being sought by the Postal Service.

  • A single entry is invited to be submitted by each participant.
  • A completed application form must accompany each entry.
  • The entry and completed application form should be emailed to no later than Friday, April 05th, 2024.
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