Pronoun Agreement: English Grammar

Pronoun agreement refers to the agreement between pronouns and their antecedents in terms of number, gender, and person. It ensures that pronouns match the nouns they replace in a sentence. Here’s an overview of pronoun agreement along with five examples for each:

  1. Number Agreement:
    • Pronouns must agree with their antecedents in terms of singular or plural form.
    • Examples:
      1. Singular: “The dog wagged its tail.”
      2. Plural: “The dogs wagged their tails.”
      3. Singular: “Each student should bring his or her textbook.”
      4. Plural: “The students should bring their textbooks.”
      5. Singular: “Somebody left his umbrella on the bus.”
  2. Gender Agreement:
    • Pronouns must agree with the gender of their antecedents.
    • Examples:
      1. Masculine: “The actor performed his best.”
      2. Feminine: “The actress performed her best.”
      3. Neutral: “The child lost its toy.”
      4. Masculine: “Each player should bring his equipment.”
      5. Feminine: “Every queen has her own palace.”
  3. Person Agreement:
    • Pronouns must agree with their antecedents in terms of first, second, or third person.
    • Examples:
      1. First Person: “I like to read books.”
      2. Second Person: “You need to complete your assignment.”
      3. Third Person: “He enjoys playing soccer.”
      4. First Person: “We went to the park.”
      5. Third Person: “She sings beautifully.”
  4. Subject-Verb Agreement:
    • Pronouns acting as subjects must agree with their verbs in terms of person and number.
    • Examples:
      1. “He is going to the store.”
      2. “She walks to school every day.”
      3. “They are playing in the garden.”
      4. “It is raining outside.”
      5. “We have finished our homework.”
  5. Indefinite Pronouns Agreement:
    • Indefinite pronouns require special attention to ensure agreement with their antecedents.
    • Examples:
      1. “Each of the students has completed his or her assignment.”
      2. “None of the workers has brought their lunch.”
      3. “Everybody loves to have their own space.”
      4. “Neither of the options satisfies her.”
      5. “Somebody left their bag in the classroom.”

Pronoun agreement is essential for maintaining clarity and coherence in writing, ensuring that pronouns accurately represent their antecedents and convey the intended meaning effectively.

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