CBSE Class 9 Hindustani Music Percussion Instruments Syllabus 2024-25 (PDF Download)

Total: 100 Marks

Theory                                                                                                                30 Marks

Time: 02 hours

Practical                                                                                                                   50 Marks

Time: 15-20 Minutes for each candidate

  1. Examiners are requested to ask the questions directly related to the syllabus.
  2. Marks should be awarded in accordance with the marking scheme.

Distribution of Marks

Sr. No.Value PointsMarks
1.Basic techniques and bols of Tabla or Pakhawaj.05
2.Basic knowledge of Kayadas or Relas, Tihai Sadharan Tukras or Parans Chakradar Tukras or Parans Mukharasand Damdar Tihais in Teentala or Aditala.08
3.Knowledge of Kayada or Rela, Paltas, Tihai Tukras orParans in Jhaptala or Sultala08
4.Ability to perform  Kayadasor Relas,  Paltas, Tihai Tukras or Parans, Damdar and Bedamdar Tihais in Teentala or Aditala.08
5.Demonstration of Thekas of Teentala or Aditala, Jhaptalaor Sultala, Ektala or Chartala with hand beats05
6.Thekas of Keharwa and Dadra with few variations03
7.Variations of Thekas in the following prescribed Talas:- Teentala or Aditala Jhaptala or Sultala03
8.Solo Performance in any one of the prescribed Tala:Teental or Aditala,Jhaptala or Sultala10
  • Teachers will refer to the distribution of Marks while examining the candidate for Practical Examination.

Internal Assessment                                                                                            20 Marks

Course Structure (2024-25) Class IX

Theory – 40 period

Time: 02 hours                                                                                                      30 Marks

  1. Questions to be set with internal choice covering the entire syllabus unit wise.
  2. Candidate has to attempt at least one question from each unit.
No.UnitsNo. of Periods(40)Marks
Unit 1066
1.1Definition of the following:Tala, Laya, ,Sam, Tali, Khali03 
1.2Theka, Kayada ,Rela, Palta, Tihai, Tukra,andParan.03
Unit 2086
2.1Basic knowledge of the instrument opted for04 
2.2Basis Knowledge of the structure and various parts of any one percussion instrument from prescribed syllabus.04
Unit 3106
3.1Elementary knowledge of the origin of Tabla04 
3.2Elementary knowledge of various Gharanas of Tabla06
Unit 4066
4.1An outline History of Hindustani Music of Modern Period with special reference to the works of V.N. Bhathande.03 
4.2Notation system of V.N. Bhatkhande03
Unit 5106
5.1Description and ability to do Tala Notation withThah and Dugun Laya in Teentala or Aditala, Ektala or Chautala05
5.2Ability to write Rela, Sadharan Tukra or Sadharan    Paran,      Chakradar      Tukra      or Chakradar     and    Paran    in    Tala    Notation system in Teental or Aditala.05

Practical –100 Period                                                                                           50 Marks

Sr.NoTopicsNo. of Periods
1.Knowledge of basic techniques and bols of Tabla or Pakhawaj and ability to do combinations of syllables.05
2.Ability to play one Kayadas or Rela with four paltas and Tihai. One sadharan Tukras or Parans, one Chakradar Tukras or Parans, Two Mukharas, Two Damdar Tihais inTeentala or Adi Tala.25
3.Ability to play One Kayada or Relain Sultala with two paltas and Tihai, One Tukra or Paran and One Damdar Tihai.15
4.Ability to play one Advance Kayadas or Relas, one Advance ChakradarTukras or Parans, One Damdar and One Bedamdar Tihai in Teentala or Adi tala.15
5.Ability to play Thekas of Teentala or Aditala, Jhaptala or Sultala, with Thah and Dugunlaya.10
6.Ability to play Ektala or Chautala, Keharwa or Chautala andDadra with two variations in Thah and Dugun Layas.10
7.Ability to play variations of Thekas inprescribed Talas.10
8.Solo performance at least 8-10 minutesin Teentala or Aditala.10

Internal Assessment: 20 Marks

1. Project File:         05
  • Writing the compositions Kayada, Rela, Chakrader, Tukara or Paran, FarmaishiChakradhar, Tukara or Paran of talas prescribed in the syllabus innotation.
    • Identifying and interviewing neighbourhood artists.
    • Draw & label any one instrument (percussion).
    • Description and writing the notation of prescribed Talas with Layakaries (Thah, Dugun, Tigun, Chaugun).
    • Knowledge about any one of the percussionartist.

2. Project work      05

Suggestive Topics *

Interrelationship of the following;

  1. Music and Physics (Sound – Frequency, Vibration, Pitch, Intensity,Timbre)
  2. Music and Mathematics (Mathematical Calculation oflaya)
  3. Music and History (Development of Music during the medievalperiod)
  4. Music and Geography (Development of Music in varied cultural zones

e.g. songs,instruments in mountainous or hilly areas)

  • Music and languages – Dialects in folkMusic

* Students may choose any one of the above topics or any other topic for project inconsultation with teacher.

3.Periodic practical Test, restricted to three in an Academic year. 10

Average of best two tests to be taken for final marks submission. Each test will examinea candidate to perform solo recital in prescribed Talas with Kayada or Rela, Tukra or Chakradar, Paran in Teentala or Aaditala.

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