CBSE Class 11 Biotechnology Syllabus 2023-24 (PDF Download)

CBSE Class 11 Biotechnology Syllabus 2023-24


One Paper
Time: 3 hrs.
Max. Marks 70+30

Units Marks
Unit- IBiotechnology: An overview5
Unit-IIMolecules of Life20
Unit-IIIGenetics and Molecular Biology20
Unit-IVCells and Organisms25


One Paper
Time: 3 hrs.
Total Marks: 70 

Unit-I Biotechnology: An overview                                                                                                           5 Marks

Chapter 1: Biotechnology: An Overview

Historical Perspectives, Technology and Applications of Biotechnology, Global market and Biotech Products.

Unit-II Molecules of Life                                                                                                                                     20 Marks

Chapter 1: Biomolecules: Building Blocks

Building Blocks of Carbohydrates – Sugars and their Derivatives, Building Blocks of Proteins

– Amino Acids, Building Blocks of Lipids – Simple Fatty Acids, Glycerol and Cholesterol, Building Blocks of Nucleic Acids – Nucleotides.

Chapter 2: Macromolecules: Structure & Function

Carbohydrates – The Energy Givers, Proteins – The Performers, Enzymes – The Catalysts, Lipids and Biomembranes – The Barriers, Nucleic Acids – The Managers

Unit-III Genetics and Molecular Biology                                                                                                                                 20 Marks

Chapter 1: Concepts of Genetics

Historical Perspective, Multiple Alleles, Linkage and Crossing Over, Genetic Mapping.

Chapter 2: Genes and Genomes: Structure and Function

Discovery of DNA as Genetic Material, DNA Replication, Fine Structure of the Genes, From Gene to Protein, Transcription – The Basic Process, Genetic Code, Translation, Mutations, Human Genetic Disorders.

Unit IV: Cells and Organisms                                                                                                                         25 Marks

Chapter 1: The Basic Unit of Life

Cell Structure and Components, Organization of Life

Chapter 2: Cell Growth and Development

Cell Division, Cell Cycle, Cell Communication, Nutrition, Reproduction, Immune Response in Animals.


Note: Every student is required to do the following experiments during the academic session.

  1. Preparation of buffers and pH determination
  2. Sterilization techniques
  3. Preparation of bacterial growth medium
  4. Cell counting
  5. Sugar Estimation using Di Nitro Salicylic Acid test (DNS test)
  6. Assay for amylase enzyme
  7. Protein estimation by biuret method

Scheme of Evaluation

Time: 3 Hours
Max. Marks 30

The scheme of evaluation at the end of session will be as under:
Two experiments                     :        20
Marks Viva on experiments :         5
Marks Practical record           :         5 Mark

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