CBSE Class 12 English Elective Syllabus 2024-25 (PDF Download)

Here, at CBSE Class 12 English Elective Syllabus page you will find detailed information about the topics and chapters included in the English Elective course for Class 12 students. This syllabus is designed to help students develop their language skills, as well as their understanding of literature and literary forms.

Class 12 English Elective Syllabus


Section A – Reading Comprehension 20 Marks

This section will have two unseen passages and a poem:

  1. 12 Multiple Choice Questions / Objective Type Questions, out of 15, from a literary or discursive passage, of about 950-1000 words to assess comprehension, interpretation, inference, analysis, appreciation and vocabulary. (1 X 12 =12 Marks)
  2. 4 out of 5 multiple choice questions / Objective Type Questions, to test interpretation, inference and appreciation of a poem of about 10-12 lines. (1×4=4 Marks)
  3. 4 out of 5 multiple choice questions / Objective Type Questions, from a case-based factual passage (with visual input- statistical data, chart etc.), of 100-120 words to test interpretation, analysis and evaluation. (1 X 4= 4 Marks)

Section B – APPLIED GRAMMAR 8 Marks

  • 8 multiple choice questions / Objective Type Questions out of 10 involving transformation of sentences. (1 X 8 = Marks)

Creative Writing 20 Marks

  1. Three Long Writing Task out of Four to be answered in 120-150 words each as discursive and interpretative writing. (5 x 3 = 15 Marks)
  2. One Long Writing Task out of two to be answered in 120-150 words: An essay on an argumentative/discursive topic such as an article/report/speech. Contemporary topics/issues (5 x 1 = 5 Marks)

Section D

This section will have variety of assessment items including Multiple Choice Questions, Objective Type Questions, Short Answer Type Questions and Long Answer Type Questions to assess comprehension, analysis, interpretation and extrapolation beyond the text.

Textbook 22 Marks

  1. Reference to the Context
    • One Prose extract out of two to assess literary appreciation and analysis (6 x 1 = 6 Marks)
    • One Poetry extract out of two to assess literary appreciation and analysis (6 x 1 = 6 Marks)
  2. One Short Answer Question out of two to be answered in 30-40 words to assess understanding analysis and critical appreciation. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking. (2×1=2 Marks)
  3. One Short Answer Question out of two to be answered in 40-50 words to assess understanding analysis and critical appreciation. Questions should elicit inferential responses through critical thinking and drawing inferences in poetry and prose. (3X1=3 Marks)
  4. One Long Answer Question out of two to be answered in 120-150 words each to assess deeper understanding, interpretation, appreciation and drawing inferences. Questions to elicit creative responses and assess ability to form opinions. (5×1=5 Marks)

Section E – Fiction (10 Marks)

  1. One Short Answer Question out of two to be answered in 30-40 words to test understanding and appreciation and seek comments, interpretation, evaluation and appreciation of characters, events, episodes and interpersonal relationships. (2×1=2 Marks)
  2. One Short Answer Question out of two to be answered in 40-50 words to test understanding and appreciation and seek comments, interpretation, evaluation and appreciation of characters, events, episodes and interpersonal relationships. (3 x1=3 Marks)
  3. One Long Answer Question out of two to be answered in 120-150 words to test deeper (in depth) understanding, interpretation, appreciation and drawing global inferences of the given text with reference to characters /events/ incidents and episodes, leading to creative rendering, forming and defending opinions. (5×1=5 Marks)

Students can select one of the two prescribed texts.

Seminar (20 marks)

  • Presentation – book review /a play /a short story/a novel/novella (tale, table, parable) to be followed by a question-answer session.
  • Poetry reading to be followed by interpretative tasks based on close reading and literary analysis of the text. Critical review of a film or a play
  • Conducting a theatre workshop to be followed by a discussion

Prescribed Books:

  1. Kaleidoscope – Text book published by NCERT
  2. Fiction: A Tiger for Malgudi or The Financial Expert by R.K. Narayan (Novel)

Book- Kaleidoscope-Short Stories

  • I Sell my Dreams
  • Eveline
  • A Wedding in Brownsville

Book- Kaleidoscope-Poetry

  • A Lecture Upon the Shadow
  • Poems by Milton
  • Poems by Blake
  • Kubla Khan
  • Trees
  • The Wild Swans of Coole
  • Time and Time Again

Book- Kaleidoscope- Non fiction

  • Freedom
  • The Mark on the Wall
  • Film-making
  • Why the Novel Matters
  • The Argumentative Indian

Book- Kaleidoscope-Drama


Download and check the pdf for marking scheme – Click here

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